Friday, July 29, 2011

Marvel Masterworks: The Amazing Spider-Man Vol. One

I. Love. Stan. Lee.  He is a genius. The first few comics were a bit wobbly and I didn't really feel like reading the rest, but it definitely got better as it went on! Strange as it may sound, Aunt May would have to be my favorite character. She's so precious :) . Next, of course, would have to be Spider-Man. I'm reading Volume Two right now and I have to say that Mysterio looks like Spock...the end.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks (Rebecca Skloot) and Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side (Beth Fantaskey)

I'm actually surprised that I got this book done as quickly as I did. I was not expecting to be finished before August. Hopefully I don't forget what I read when I start school...

This book was very interesting and (dare I say) fascinating. It was also quite different than I expected it to be. Although the prologue states that it's mostly a book about the author and Henrietta's daughter Deborah, I expected it to be more scientific...and it was, toward the beginning of the book. About halfway through, the book shifts into Rebecca's struggles with finding the information about Henrietta and her journey with Deborah through her struggles with finding out the truth about her mother and her sister (and also with her husband, health, children, and poverty). I can't say this book drew any emotion out of me other than disturbation. I don't think the author needed to be so blunt about some things, but I suppose it helps us know more about the woman HeLa cells came from. I hope she wasn't trying to write so we would feel emotions because I totally failed at that...oh well. I am kind of glad that I know more about cancer and cells. I completely forgot everything since Freshman Biology in 2005.

In the middle of reading the HeLa book, Tracey made me (sort of) read one of the "paranormal" tween romance novels she had just finished. I'm not going to lie, I kind of liked it. I must say it was MUCH better than Twilight. Fantaskey knows (somewhat) what she's talking about when it comes to vampires. I especially liked how she had them come from Romania. That was pure excellence. Her twist on vampires being alive and not so much undead was one that I can agree with. In the book, vampires are a different race or species of human. More like superhumans. I've always thought of vampires like that except she has them reproduce sexually. It was actually very interesting. Male vampires would go through their version of puberty where they would get their fangs (which were the vampire equivalent of an erection) and thirst for blood and grow stronger and whatnot, while female vampires couldn't mature until they were bitten by a male. Once a male bites a female they are married for life which...I don't like one bit. Vampire are sensual creatures (which it does make that well known in the book), but I don't think vampires really care much about marriage. Biting is feed-times or..."love"-times NOT love-times. You know what I mean? Oh yeah, and the author said some stupid things. She (or her main character...which would reflect her own opinions!) claimed that the book Dracula was not based on fact and was stupid bologna and she had 4H taking place in the middle of November where the participates wore blue corduroy jackets. Ummm...HELLO!!! Blue corduroy jackets are for FFA!!! Which is COMPLETELY different than 4H! I would know! I was in both FFA and 4H (although the latter was only for a year)! Anyways I'm done talking about this...toodles! 

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Nightmares & Dreamscapes = DONE!!!

News to the people who know this blog exists: I FINISHED THE INFERNAL STEPHEN KING BOOK!!! It's been like...a year and a half! I must admit, though, that I have found a new respect for the man. The book does get better as it goes on. He actually does know how to write. I especially liked his Sherlock Holmes short story. It was probably my favorite out of all of them. I also commend Stephen King with his ability to paint pictures in readers' minds. A lot of writers don't know how to do that. Reading this book was like watching a lot of short movies in my head, and although most of them were disturbing and scarring, they were very detailed and vivid. I like that about books. Escaping into miniature worlds and such.

And now I have started to read a new book: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. I'm not really reading this book for fun, but so far it's one of the best works of non-fiction (besides Laura Ingalls Wilder biographies) that I have read. But then again I'm only six pages into the Prologue...

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Vampires Suck

I don't really have much to say about this movie other than it's awesome. I usually hate parodies with a passion, but anything making fun of Twilight goes in the "favorites" section of my demented brain. The main actress, Jenn Proske, did an excellent job portraying Kristen Stewart's bad acting. Plus she's Canadian. So she's automatically just the best ever. This movie wasn't gross and disturbing like other parodies where nudity and sex is hilarious. It genuinely made fun of Twilight and other teen vampire/werewolf craves of the last few years. And in all honesty, it was more realistic than Twilight. Anyways I'm going to go to bed. I've got a not-so-busy day ahead and need to get some sleep.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Scary Man!

This particular post is in regards to a man that I find scary. That man would happen to be Stephen King. I don't find his works scary, just the man himself. He has a scary face and a scary mind. I don't want to know what goes on in the thoughts of his demented brain. I have recently watched two movies produced based on his writings (Dreamcatcher and The Shining) and have started reading a book of his again (Nightmares & Dreamscapes). I had to put it down because it was so ridiculously stupid, but thought I could try to bare through it again. Well, last night I read one of the stories and wanted to burn the book. It was so dumb! He's not scary and he makes no sense! The story started out telling of a stupid man who kept rebuilding onto his house and his wife had a mutant baby and molested kids. Then the story ended with a guy dying of a blood clot because he had an erection from remembering when the wife of the stupid man showed him her naked vagina when he was thirteen. It was disturbing and disgusting and I wanted to throw up and erase my mind of that stupid story. Nothing he writes makes any sense. I don't want to finish the book, but I have to because I started it.

I wrote that a couple days ago and never posted it. I actually read another one of the stories yesterday. I was so disturbed. Stephen King is obsessed with sex and sexual related things. Disturbing sexual related things. Like: masturbation, eating freshly ejaculated semen off a hotel bed sheet, penis-shaped mushrooms, etc. I hate sex. Sex is disturbing and that is why I hate Stephen King. The end.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Darth Maul Totally Looks Like Demon From “Insidious” - Totally Looks Like... Famous People and Celeb Look-A-Likes

Darth Maul Totally Looks Like Demon From “Insidious” - Totally Looks Like... Famous People and Celeb Look-A-Likes

This is pretty much the only thing I have to say about this movie other than the fact that it was slightly unsettling. I wasn't scared. It's just that black and white painted people who shoot their families with creepy smiles on their face kinda gives me the heebie jeebies. That and seeing an aged Lady GaGa take over Patrick Wilson's body. I give the writers credit for trying to come up with something semi-original. It wasn't a bad movie. By far...I would have to say it's the best scary movie I've seen in some time. It wasn't the cliche scary movie with nudity and minority-killing sociopaths. No, it was the kind of scary movie that takes a little swim into the spiritual realm. Scary movies that dip into the spiritual world give people that odd feeling. You all know exactly what I'm talking about. Even if you don't believe in the spirit world, you have this sense that maybe these things might happen. I, myself, would say that people being possessed by demons is possible. Demons that look like Darth Maul?...perhaps. Anyways, when I went to see this movie I was with my good friend Fabio. If you don't know who that is you can look him up on my other blog. I'd put a link here for it, but I'm too lazy to do that right now. Movies are really only as good as the people you see them with. Fabio and I joke around a lot, so this movie was really just one big joke to us. The first time we saw the demon in this movie it was a millisecond flash with loud music like it is in all scary movies. I will admit that I jumped. I wasn't really paying attention to the movie and a loud burst of brass horns took me by surprise. But since I wasn't really paying attention, my whole decency for others watching movies just slipped my mind (there was only one other guy in the theater...but that's beside the point). As soon as I saw that demon these words screamed their way out of my lips: DARTH MAUL!!! I started laughing uncontrollably. As did Fabio because he, too, realized the demon looked like Darth Maul. From this point on we kept cracking jokes about the movie. The psychic lady who comes in the movie later says something about Patrick Wilson's and the other lady's son saying, "Your son has travelled far, far away to the other side...blah blah blah..." and of course I just have to say, "In a galaxy far, far away!" and Fabio has to say, "Darth Maul was beckoning him to the dark side!" I kinda feel bad for the other guy in the theater. He was probably hoping to enjoy this movie but a couple of kids was ruining it for him. He did talk to us after the movie letting us know that he thought it was a joke as well. I feel like this post has gone off the wayside. My mind keeps thinking of new things before I finish my first thought. I'll just stop now then. Toodles!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

And Thus it Begins

I am sad to say that my first post will be about a movie. Don't get me wrong, I love movies, but I was hoping that I would get to write my first post about a book. I suppose this post could be one in the same. As I'm writing this I am watching the seventh Harry Potter movie. I've seen it midnight...when it first came out, but I don't remember much of it past that. I know that it is completely inaccurate and makes no sense. By the way, I am one of those people that gets mad that movies are not accurate to books. They may be good as movies alone, but the ones with series take things away from the major plots and points. They add and take away characters at strange times. Just like now, they just killed Mundungus. No one knows who that is and they don't care that he died. (Honestly, I don't care that he died. He didn't really have much of a key part to the books.) The movie just stopped playing. I shall continue this later I suppose.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Typing a Title Is Cumbersome

This particular post is just an introduction. The description under the title of this blog can pretty much tell you what this blog will be about, but why not write something here anyways? Just as an FYI, this blog will not be updated very often. I find it difficult to actually have time to read books, watch movies, listen to music, or whatever else the "and more" is in my blog description. I'm going to try to make time, though, because I love books and movies and music and more. I hear a leather jacket, so I think that's my cue to get shoes on to go for a lovely walk be continued.