Sunday, June 26, 2011

Nightmares & Dreamscapes = DONE!!!

News to the people who know this blog exists: I FINISHED THE INFERNAL STEPHEN KING BOOK!!! It's been like...a year and a half! I must admit, though, that I have found a new respect for the man. The book does get better as it goes on. He actually does know how to write. I especially liked his Sherlock Holmes short story. It was probably my favorite out of all of them. I also commend Stephen King with his ability to paint pictures in readers' minds. A lot of writers don't know how to do that. Reading this book was like watching a lot of short movies in my head, and although most of them were disturbing and scarring, they were very detailed and vivid. I like that about books. Escaping into miniature worlds and such.

And now I have started to read a new book: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. I'm not really reading this book for fun, but so far it's one of the best works of non-fiction (besides Laura Ingalls Wilder biographies) that I have read. But then again I'm only six pages into the Prologue...

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