Friday, April 22, 2011

Darth Maul Totally Looks Like Demon From “Insidious” - Totally Looks Like... Famous People and Celeb Look-A-Likes

Darth Maul Totally Looks Like Demon From “Insidious” - Totally Looks Like... Famous People and Celeb Look-A-Likes

This is pretty much the only thing I have to say about this movie other than the fact that it was slightly unsettling. I wasn't scared. It's just that black and white painted people who shoot their families with creepy smiles on their face kinda gives me the heebie jeebies. That and seeing an aged Lady GaGa take over Patrick Wilson's body. I give the writers credit for trying to come up with something semi-original. It wasn't a bad movie. By far...I would have to say it's the best scary movie I've seen in some time. It wasn't the cliche scary movie with nudity and minority-killing sociopaths. No, it was the kind of scary movie that takes a little swim into the spiritual realm. Scary movies that dip into the spiritual world give people that odd feeling. You all know exactly what I'm talking about. Even if you don't believe in the spirit world, you have this sense that maybe these things might happen. I, myself, would say that people being possessed by demons is possible. Demons that look like Darth Maul?...perhaps. Anyways, when I went to see this movie I was with my good friend Fabio. If you don't know who that is you can look him up on my other blog. I'd put a link here for it, but I'm too lazy to do that right now. Movies are really only as good as the people you see them with. Fabio and I joke around a lot, so this movie was really just one big joke to us. The first time we saw the demon in this movie it was a millisecond flash with loud music like it is in all scary movies. I will admit that I jumped. I wasn't really paying attention to the movie and a loud burst of brass horns took me by surprise. But since I wasn't really paying attention, my whole decency for others watching movies just slipped my mind (there was only one other guy in the theater...but that's beside the point). As soon as I saw that demon these words screamed their way out of my lips: DARTH MAUL!!! I started laughing uncontrollably. As did Fabio because he, too, realized the demon looked like Darth Maul. From this point on we kept cracking jokes about the movie. The psychic lady who comes in the movie later says something about Patrick Wilson's and the other lady's son saying, "Your son has travelled far, far away to the other side...blah blah blah..." and of course I just have to say, "In a galaxy far, far away!" and Fabio has to say, "Darth Maul was beckoning him to the dark side!" I kinda feel bad for the other guy in the theater. He was probably hoping to enjoy this movie but a couple of kids was ruining it for him. He did talk to us after the movie letting us know that he thought it was a joke as well. I feel like this post has gone off the wayside. My mind keeps thinking of new things before I finish my first thought. I'll just stop now then. Toodles!

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