Sunday, May 29, 2011

Vampires Suck

I don't really have much to say about this movie other than it's awesome. I usually hate parodies with a passion, but anything making fun of Twilight goes in the "favorites" section of my demented brain. The main actress, Jenn Proske, did an excellent job portraying Kristen Stewart's bad acting. Plus she's Canadian. So she's automatically just the best ever. This movie wasn't gross and disturbing like other parodies where nudity and sex is hilarious. It genuinely made fun of Twilight and other teen vampire/werewolf craves of the last few years. And in all honesty, it was more realistic than Twilight. Anyways I'm going to go to bed. I've got a not-so-busy day ahead and need to get some sleep.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Scary Man!

This particular post is in regards to a man that I find scary. That man would happen to be Stephen King. I don't find his works scary, just the man himself. He has a scary face and a scary mind. I don't want to know what goes on in the thoughts of his demented brain. I have recently watched two movies produced based on his writings (Dreamcatcher and The Shining) and have started reading a book of his again (Nightmares & Dreamscapes). I had to put it down because it was so ridiculously stupid, but thought I could try to bare through it again. Well, last night I read one of the stories and wanted to burn the book. It was so dumb! He's not scary and he makes no sense! The story started out telling of a stupid man who kept rebuilding onto his house and his wife had a mutant baby and molested kids. Then the story ended with a guy dying of a blood clot because he had an erection from remembering when the wife of the stupid man showed him her naked vagina when he was thirteen. It was disturbing and disgusting and I wanted to throw up and erase my mind of that stupid story. Nothing he writes makes any sense. I don't want to finish the book, but I have to because I started it.

I wrote that a couple days ago and never posted it. I actually read another one of the stories yesterday. I was so disturbed. Stephen King is obsessed with sex and sexual related things. Disturbing sexual related things. Like: masturbation, eating freshly ejaculated semen off a hotel bed sheet, penis-shaped mushrooms, etc. I hate sex. Sex is disturbing and that is why I hate Stephen King. The end.